An accessibility research project funded by and designed for the University of Cincinnati, under the direction of Dr. Sun Ying-Ying

A Bearcat Welcome
Located in the queen city of Cincinnati, the University of Cincinnati is a bustling campus ripe with opportunity and connection. But some aspects of campus can pose tricky situations…
Navigating Challenges
Cincinnati's campus poses navigation challenges for new and returning students, as well as individuals with disabilities, due to ongoing construction and an increasing population
With reconstruction being an expensive, unrealistic alternative, what if we could create an app that simplifies Cincinnati navigation?
Create an app that allows users to map their own shortcuts
User feedback on routes to identify pain points
Include features and statistics to keep the audience engaged
Drawing Inspiration

With help from associate professor of transportation design, Sun Ying-Ying, a rough outline was created to see what features would make for the most engaging user experience.
The app consists of three separate sections: The main loading page for the user to sign in, community engagement pages, and mapping functions
The Barebones
Fleshing It Out
Real-World Data
To create accurate data within the app’s elevation tracking system, our coders must have as few discrepancies as possible.
I utilized a Bosch 900 Self-leveling laser to map elevation changes around campus to align them with our data
Using the outline sketch, a wireframe model was created in Figma to test the flow between sections
Icon Ideation
From alternate logos to individual icons, graphics were an integral part in the app’s development process
The user can enter the home page where they can log in or sign up using a personal or school email. Students will be redirected to their university log in page. Ease of use on the consumer is important in this stage of the app.
Exploring Features
Enter the App
In Bearcat Go, maintaining user engagement is crucial, even when there’s no immediate need. The app incorporates interactive features like metrics, mileage tracking, community interaction, and badges.
Campus Made Easy
At the center of the home page is Bearcat Go’s primary feature: its mapping system. Users can explore Cincinnati’s campus and view corresponding location badges, allowing students to initiate routes to specific classrooms with ease.
The mapping page also features user-marked shortcuts, indicated with route badges, for more personalized paths
Take UC navigation to the next level with Bearcat Go